Marketing Technology: 5 Important Benefits You Should Know

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More attention now is being given to marketing teams to deliver quality leads for sales conversion in addition to creating awareness and reach. Changes in Consumer/Customer Behaviour (both B2C and B2B) and preferences, make it tough for marketers to stay engaged with their customers. This is made even more difficult with the never-ending changes by the technological platforms. The mushrooming of marketing tech solutions can be a double-edged sword. 
How does a marketer know which ones would work best for their business and how to allocate resources? And if they decide to do so, could their team learn fast before the technology is outdated? Whatever your concerns are, take a step back to reflect upon the benefits of adopting Marketing Tech.

#1: Creating Smarter Content To Deliver Content Suited To Your Audience

Make your audience feel like you really know them by using insights and data to understand performance, optimise experiences, and deliver targeted content. Your advertisement content can then be adjusted accordingly to suit your audiences. 

Facebook Ads gives you the ability to monitor your customer behaviour such as interests for you to better understand your customers. If your business sells fantasy books, you can specifically target to display your ads to only people who are interested in fantasy books, thus increasing the number of qualified leads. Dattel lets you gain a holistic understanding of your consumers’ behaviours through consumer data that is collected from verified ASEAN respondents. 

Explore and visualise rich data on the platform to identify new angles to market to your consumers and spot new opportunities in their consumption behaviours. Then with this information, you can create more meaningful ads that your customers can relate to thus strengthen your brand engagement.

#2: Automating Common Tasks To Maximise Operations Efficiency

By automating repetitive and time-consuming manual tasks, marketing teams can streamline workflows and do more with less. These tools also reduce internal friction, allowing all departments to work together toward common goals and align on information. 

Canva is a very simple, yet powerful tool for you to design any type of graphic. You may choose from hundreds of professionally designed layouts or create your own designs to create content within a few minutes. Layouts and formats of your brand are saved and easily accessible which means consistency throughout your different touch points is no longer an issue to be worried about. 

Also, this means that you can create designs in-house which reduces costs & turnaround time rather than spending considerable amounts of money by outsourcing.

#3: Networking & Lead Generation Made Easier For Better Conversion

Conversion of leads has been made easier through connecting social media with customer relationship management (CRM) tools such as HubSpot. Networking through social media allows you to grow your business connections and engage with potential leads. Information about the leads can be collected by the CRM and then be managed and used elsewhere for marketing purposes. LinkedIn is designed specifically for professionals and executives for networking; therefore, it is perfect for Network Marketing or any type of marketing for that matter. According to their own research, LinkedIn reports:

  • 51% of companies acquired a B2C (business to consumer) customer through LinkedIn.
  • 93% of B2B (business to business) marketers consider LinkedIn to be the most effective site for lead generation.

Whether you’re a brand new marketer or an experienced pro, you can use LinkedIn to generate leads, build brand awareness, and establish strategic partnerships with serious corporates. Also, all your leads and their data from all your touch points can be organised, segmented to maintain a centralised database, create sales reports, or be used for other marketing purposes such as email marketing.

One of the many advantages of having a CRM such as Hubspot is that all communication and interactions with prospects can be managed, which means that this allows you to track all parts of your customer’s journey, including every interaction, email, phone call, and more.

#4 Refining Customer Relationships For High Customer Retention

Customers respond positively to AI-powered chatbots since they often provide quick responses 24/7. According to Salesforce, 69% of U.S. consumers prefer using chatbots when engaging with brands, since it often yields a speedy response. Yet most small business owners surveyed said they didn’t use the technology. 

A chatbot running on your website can answer customers’ basic questions at all hours of the day or night, even if you’re focused on different tasks. AI-powered chatbots can be used for customer support, expanding contact strategy dramatically with a controlled message. These chatbots have become so lifelike that many customers don’t even know the difference, but they offer the added benefit of being able to gather, analyse and provide actionable data that can be used to improve the customer experience. 

Chatbot Malaysia allows you to build a smart and engaging chatbot that can be catered for various industries such as Real Estate, Dental, Home Cleaning, Fitness, Gym, Yoga, E-commerce, Insurance, Credit Loans, Beauty Salon, and etc. A well designed WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger bot can enhance your customer’s journey with your brand, build trust, engagement and drive conversions. 

People are using WhatsApp & Messenger to connect with their closest friends and family. It’s personal, conversational and, if used the right way, can help you boost your customer retention.

#5: Real-time Analytics For Better Decision-Making & The Bigger Picture

Viewing all the data from all your different touch points on a single dashboard can add efficiencies and better decision-making without the need of manually pulling in reports from different tools. By piecing all the data together, you can see the bigger picture and make changes quickly to hit your marketing goals. Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your website, video, and social networking sites and applications. By providing a complete picture, it makes it easy to understand how your site and app users are engaging with your content, so you know what’s working and what’s not. Make use of Google’s unique machine learning capabilities to discover new insights from your data — such as which users are likely to convert or which customers have high revenue potential.

To summarise, these are the key benefits for businesses to adopt marketing tech whatever their size. Firstly, strategic data would help you develop smarter contents that have a higher chance of getting your customers’ attention. Secondly, the right marketing technology makes your marketing processes more efficient and effective. Thirdly, your networking and lead generation would be improved with a more structured & automated conversion path. Fourthly, by centralising your data, you will improve customer engagement and refine your relationships with them. Finally, real time analytics will help guide you in your decision making to improve your marketing ROI.

Free trials and subscription options allow marketers the means to explore & experiment on the various marketing tech solutions available without the need for a full time technology team. Start with the most important functions or processes for your marketing priorities. A Digital Brand Audit will help you understand these priorities better before you start exploring what’s out there. Review the marketing tech solutions you are currently using and areas you still need covered. If you are not sure about how to handle this, you can reach out to us and we can see how we can assist you with your needs.

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